Spring Greens
March 9, 2022
Nettles have been in the cook's pot far longer than the cook has been in the kitchen.
This recipe is one of the earliest recipes humankind was using.
Nettle Pudding
From about 6,000BC. Gather your greens. Wash them carefully.
- 1 handful of sorrel
- 1 handful of watercress
- 1 handful of dandelion leaves
- 2 handfuls of young nettle leaves
- chives to taste
- 1 cup of barley flour
- 1 tsp salt
- Chop the herbs finely and add the barley flour and salt. Mix ingredients and add just enough water to hold it all together.
- Place in the center of a clean cloth and bring all the corners up, leaving a bit of room for expansion. Tie securely with clean string.
- Add to a pot of simmering soup. Venison or wild boar is traditional. More easily available meats work as well, as does any liquid of your choice.
- Simmer for a couple of hours.
- When the meat is done, remove pudding from the cloth and serve.
This video gives you step by step instructions for making nettle soup. I highly recommend browsing through all of Townsend's videos. They're' amazingly well done and they contain a great deal more than just recipes.
Nettles haven't just been in continual hot water since then – they've been in the oven, too. Nettles can be worked quite nicely into breads, both risen and flat. Try this medieval adaptation of nettle rye bread or this nettle pancake recipe, which seems more like a crepe than a pancake to me.
Possibly descended from an ancient Roman sauce called “moretum”, Nettle pesto is equally at home in modern kitchens. Sautèed nettles is another dish that is simple and flavorful. The sautè is flexible enough to allow for experimentation. Use this tasty version as a start and then be bold! Both recipes can be frozen for later use.
While there is discussion on the matter, rice seems to have been introduced into Italy by the Arabs during the Middle Ages. Risotto was a happy result of this. Try a twist on the usual recipes and make a Nettle risotto.
If fresh nettles are out of season try using dried nettles, either purchased or your own home-dried. Experiment with what works for you. A dried nettle pasta recipe will help you get started.
How about a refreshing nettle beer to wash it down with?
To finish your meal - nettle and lemon sorbet! (and a few extra recipes).
And if you're extra brave, extra hungry, and oh, so unwilling to cook tonight you can always head over to The Bottle Inn pub in Dorset and see what's on the menu for the contest.

There are enough recipes out there to keep nettles on the table and the diners appreciative for at least a couple of days. Did I forget anything? Maybe appetizers. If you come across a recipe for a good one, please share with me in the comments below. I always enjoy trying a new one. Thanks for stopping by.