
True Blue Treats

Blueberries are and their relatives are very popular in the kitchen. My problem wasn't finding enough good recipes, it was narrowing it down to a few. I gave up. The first mention of the bilberry in Europe was in the sixteenth century and of the blueberry in America in the late eighteenth. The closest thing I found to an early recipe was a reconstructed one at this site.

It's an interesting one and definitely worth exploring. The recipe we want is "Myrtle and Bilberry Pudding," about halfway down the page.

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You can find an outrageous number of savory entree recipes for blueberries here and here.

By Naotake Murayama from San Francisco, CA, USA (Duck Roast with Blueberry Sauce, Side of Snap Peas) [CC BY 2.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons
By Lori L. Stalteri from North of Boston, US (Blueberry Stuffed French Toast) [CC BY 2.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

This Grilled Salmon and Blueberry Sauce looks particularly tasty.

Is there something better to follow up dinner with than a traditional Bilberry Pie?

Unless your taste runs more toward a Bilberry Tart and Whortleberry Ice Cream.

Here's a quick and easy Blueberry Sauce to go over your ice cream.

By [CC BY 2.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

For the foragers among my readers, here's a Bilberry Pie with Meadowsweet Custard.

Strawberry is the usual pairing with rhubarb but sometimes it gets a bit overdone so I was pleased to find this Rhubarb and Blaeberry jam recipe.

These individual Blaeberry Crumbles would be a nice dessert for company or to make a family meal seem a little bit special.



This Good Gentle is apparently making something of a concerted effort to make ice cream out of everything he can. This is a fun site showing his successful attempt at making Blaeberry Sorbet.

By Kate Ter Haar from Cedarville, MI, USA [CC BY 2.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

And to finish off your meal, here is a recipe for homemade blueberry wine.

Do you have a favorite true blue berry recipe? Share it with us in the comments below.

Thanks for stopping by!


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