Put It To Work

An Assortment of Resins

A Great Learning Opportunity

You might already know how powerful and potent plant and tree resins are… …and why older cultures have treasured them for ages, or why they’re one of the most popular botanicals in the aromatic arts… …or why they’re important internal and topical medicines, first-aid treatments, cold and flu symptom remedies, musculoskeletal cure-alls, and anti-aging beauty product ingredients. But how well ...

A Bed to Plant In

The medieval rectangular bed layout is attractive and easy to design. It's fairly flexible and can be adapted to many growing situations. Medieval gardens were generally surrounded by a fence and the beds inside were made square or rectangular with wide paths between them. The beds themselves were fenced to protect the plants inside from animals and unobservant passersby who ...

The Art of Dowsing

One of the things that kept coming up during my research this week was the (apparently) erroneous belief that everyone in the Middle Ages drank beer and never touched water as the water supply was contaminated. It made me start thinking about the demand for water in Medieval days. How did they get it? What did they use it for? ...
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