
Back At It, With A Twist!

Hello! I know it’s been quite a while since I posted here. A big thing happened in my life- a little boy. As much as I was enjoying writing the blog, my son captured all of my heart and all of my time. Now that he’s hit toddler age, I can get back to the other love of my life- the garden and the good things that come out of it.

I’ve decided to give myself permission to follow my passion for the first time in my life. I’ll be mixing up herbal teas made for the sheer joy of drinking them and selling them from my booth at events around the area and online within the State of New York. I am pursuing my Herbalist Certification. I will be carrying essential oils for sale and am planning to make my own perfume and household blends with those. I’m still checking into what rules apply there. I’ll keep you posted on that.

I’ll also be carrying some regular tea blends. Camellia Sinensis IS an herb, after all. I’ve had some requests from friends to try to find or make substitutes for some of the blends carried by a company that is no longer around (no names here, of course, but you know the one). No promises but I’m checking into it.

I’ll also be doing the blog again although in a much less complicated format. My son is still a toddler, after all. Please be patient with me a little longer while my website gets updated and I get my summer schedule in place. Do check the website though! All the old content is still there and I will appreciate your input on what will make visiting it an enjoyable experience for you. I’m looking forward to seeing you at the booth!

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