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Tales of a Worldly Willow

The Greek myth of Niobe and her pride is possibly one of the best known tales of the willow tree. It’s also one of the saddest. My first encounter with Greek mythology came through a book called D’Aulaire’s Book of Greek Myths when I was about six. I loved that book then and I still love it now. The lessons that were taught in stories like these have stayed with me all my life.






Knowing that there are “artifacts” like the Niobe rock on Mount Sipylus that make the story “real” make me happy.

If you are a visual person like me, here’s the link to the text version.

If you prefer to hear the story, here’s the audio version.

If you’re in a hurry and want the short version, this one is fairly complete and kind of cute, although it doesn’t let you get really involved in the story.

There are also a fair number of other stories about willow from other cultures. Another well-known one is the Chinese tale of the Blue Willow. The story is often depicted on china plates.

You can read it here.

Tales of a Worldly Willow

Here’s a tale from Japan.

And a Native American tale.

And just for good measure, here’s a fable from Aesop.

Enjoy the stories .  Thank you for stopping by.


Through the Bottleneck

In general, I prefer not to directly address issues but I feel so strongly about this recent panic caused by a shortage of baby formula that I feel that I must do so. It’s unthinkable to me that one company’s failure should cause so much distress. How did we allow ourselves to become so dependent on a fragile supply chain that… Continue Reading…
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