Disclosures and Policies


This page is where I tell you all about how I am complying with the FTC guidelines of disclosure for paid and/or sponsored content. Aelfrida’s travels and exploration may be sponsored by the kingdom, but her chronicler requires upkeep. This means that there will be ads on these pages, and if you click on them I will be compensated. Or perhaps someone has paid me to put one of their ads on my site.

My hope through this blog is that I can provide useful and insightful information about trees and plants and the many ways they can be and are used in our lives. There may be links within posts that will take you to where I purchased certain products I’m writing about, and I may be compensated with a commission if you purchase anything from said links.

I am a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for me to earn fees by linking to Amazon.com and affiliated sites.

Sometime in the near future I may start to receive products or be asked to do sponsored posts. I can promise you this, I will always tell you when I have received a product or have been compensated to write a post. This is the most important part (to me at least, probably not the FTC); I will NEVER EVER keep, or review, or promote, or accept compensation for ANY product that I do not believe in. Period.

Privacy Policy

I request your e-mail address for subscribing to blog posts and comments.  Please be assured that your information goes no further than that.  I do not sell or release any information about you, my readers, to anybody else.

This site uses cookies to provide you with a better browsing experience.  Please visit our Cookie Policy page for more information about the cookies we use, and how to select those which you prefer to enable and/or disable.

Re-use Policy

Now, to turn the tables. I work extremely hard to provide you with wonderful posts and images. Please do not take any of my content and use it for your own. That’s just wrong, not to mention illegal and considered a copyright violation. You MAY, however, use one image from a post as long as you link back to www.echoesofthegarden.net and give proper credit.

Contact Me With Questions

If you have any other questions, feel free to contact me at thewanderingleech@imp-probableartists.com.


The information and recipes contained on this site are presented for intellectual and historical interest only. If you are looking for medical advice, please consult with a licensed physician. If you choose to try any recipe for the sake of adventure or curiosity, you do so at your own risk.

Another Disclaimer

The wise person knows exactly what it is that they are putting in their mouth. If you are not an accomplished forager, go to the nearest Teacher of Wild Edibles and learn. Always have your field guides with you, even if you are an accomplished forager. Eat nothing for which you have not attained “negative recognition”. That’s the point at which, if I hold up a banana and tell you that it’s an apple, you automatically and decisively state “No, it isn’t!” and are able to defend your statement, even if I argue with you, by accurately recounting the positive field identification marks for a banana. That being said, I encourage you to learn to forage. The intangible benefits are as great as the tangible ones.

About Me

About Me

My interest in plants started young. While most of my friends were playing with Barbie or dreaming of horses, I was out in the fields of our farm creating imaginary villages and caching collected seeds, roots and herbs against winter need. When I discovered the library, field guides, and history books I realized that I had found my passion- how people thrived before industrial technology divorced us from our childhood friends and mentors – plants. While my caching habits have …


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